International Day of Climate Action

Ecoclub of School celebrated International Day of Climate Action on 24th October under the guidance of Didi Dinesh Kalra on theme “Betterment of environment for encouraging awareness and action to climate”. Different online competition were held on the given topics
1) Global Warming
2) Earth is my mother
3) Protect Environment
In Primary Section, Fancy Dress competition, Rhymes and its video and Hand – painting using vegetables were held. In Middle section, Poem/ Speech competition, poster competition, Bird nest making competition were held.
In Secondary and Senior Secondary Section, Plantation, Bird nest making, Painting, sketching, Digital art photography competition were held. Students participated in these competition enthusiastically. Certificates were given to all participants.
Ecobrick Project

Eco Club of School started Ecobrick project under the guidance of Didi Dinesh Kalra in December, 2020. Purpose of project was to reuse the plastic and non – biodegradable material and make environment pollution free. An ecobrick is a plastic bottle packed with used plastic to a set density. It can be used to produce various items including garden walls, furnitures & other structure. Students of classes Pre – Nursery to XII were guided to make Ecobrick. Students submitted ecobricks to their class incharges. 97 Ecobricks were submitted by pre – primary section, 168 by primary section, 134 by Middle Section, 73 by Secondary section, 37 by Senior Secondary Section. Total 510 Eco bricks were prepared by students. These ecobricks were reviewed by teachers and judgement was done on the basis of quality of Ecobricks. Prizes were given by School Principal Sh. Subash Bhardwaj.
🌸World Earth Day🌸

Eco club of the Dayanand Public School, Pandusar, Nabha celebrated “World Earth Day” on April 22, 2022 under the guidance of Dr. Dinesh Kalra. Theme of the day was ‘Invest Our Planet’. The year 2022 is 52nd anniversary of EARTH DAY. This day is probably the biggest co-ordinated expression of support for the environment in the world. Events are co-ordinated globally by the Earth Day. In school, Initiative was taken to engage whole school community. Sh. Subash Chand Bhardwaj (Principal, DPS, Pandusar, Nabha), S. Pritpal Singh (Vice – Principal) and other teachers of school were present on the occasion. The program started with Lighting the lamps. Students of pre - primary section, primary section, middle section, secondary and senior secondary sections participated in various activities such as poem recitation, speeches, group songs, slogans and choreography with full enthusiasm. They made everyone aware about the importance of earth. A skit “Save Earth” was played by members of Eco club. The Principal appreciated the performance of students. He advised them not to celebrate this day once in a year but needs to make efforts daily. The program ended with National Anthem.
World Environment Day
World Environment Day was celebrated in Dayanand Public School, Pandusar, Nabha on 5th June, 2022. This day is celebrated every year to spread awareness among students to protect their environment.
This day is celebrated with a theme and this year Theme is 'The importance of sustainable living in harmony with nature.' Students of Classes Ankur to Xll participated in different activities. They
* Grew plants.
* Fed birds and animals.
* Made a book mark from waste material.
* Made a shoe box bird house.
* Recited poem etc..
Videos and pics of the related activities were sent. A large number of students participated in the activities enthusiastically.
Environment Awareness Week
Dayanand Public School, Pandusar, Nabha is celebrating Environment Awareness Week from 17 July, 2022 to 22 July, 2022. In this celebration, Today (July 18, 2022), Students of classes +1 and +2 planted kernels of various fruits brought by them from their homes.
🍀Environment Awareness Week Celebrations🌿
On July 18, 2022, 140 Students of Dayanand Public School, Pandusar, Nabha of classes 6th - 8th participated in slogan writing competition with full enthusiasm. Different environment related slogans were prepared by the students on the spot.
🌴कपड़े का थैला उपयोग करने का लिया प्रण🌳

आज दिनांक 19 जुलाई, 2022 को दयानंद पब्लिक स्कूल, पांडुसर, नाभा में पर्यावरण संरक्षण हेतु कक्षा चतुर्थ और पंचम के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा प्लास्टिक बैग का उपयोग न करने का संदेश देते हुए, कपड़े का बना थैला बनवाकर उन थैलों की प्रर्दशनी लगवाई गई I उन्हें इन कपड़े के थैलों का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया I
🌳काढ़ा बनाने का प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम🌴
दयानंद पब्लिक स्कूल, पांडुसर, नाभा में दिनांक 20 जुलाई, 2022 को कक्षा चतुर्थ और पंचम के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा मौसम परिवर्तन के कारण होने वाली खाँसी, जुकाम जैसी बिमारियों के घरेलु उपचार हेतु तुलसी के पत्तों का काढ़ा बनाया गया और अपने परिवार के सदस्यों को भी इस विषय में जागरूक किया I सभी ने बच्चों के इस कार्य की प्रशंसा की I
🌿घर-घर तुलसी समारोह🌳
दयानंद पब्लिक स्कूल, पांडुसर, नाभा में दिनांक 21 जुलाई, 2022 को पर्यावरण संरक्षण हेतु कक्षा तृतीय के विद्यार्थियों को अपने घर के आँगन में तुलसी का पौधा लगाने के लिए प्रेरित किया I बच्चों को यह भी बताया गया कि तुलसी एक औषधीय गुणों से युक्त है I विद्यार्थियों ने इसका महत्त्व जानकर अपने-अपने घरों में तुलसी का पौधा लगाया I
Environment Awareness Week
Dayanand Public School, Pandusar, Nabha is celebrating Environment Awareness Week from July 17 to July 22, 2022 in which students of classes Ankur to 2nd participated with well grown interest. Students participated in different activities e.g. watering the plants, poem recitation, poster making. They enjoyed a lot by these activities.
Environment Awareness Rally
On July 22, 2022, An Environmental Awareness Rally was conducted in which the students of Classes IX to XI of Dayanand Public School, Pandusar, Nabha participated along with teachers. During the rally, students raised the slogans related to the protection of environment and thereby, tried to create awareness among the public.